Author: Ryan McQuade

Exponential Functions

What if you created a function where the exponent is a variable? As you might expect, this would be called an exponential function. When you hear someone talk about “growing exponentially,” they are talking about an exponential function. Exponential functions have some very interesting patterns.

Motion Problems

George is in New York and Martha is in Washington. They leave at the same time and follow the same road to meet each other on the way. The distance between New York and Washington is 229 miles. George has a fast horse and averages 16 miles/hr. Martha has a slow carriage and averages 7 miles/hr. How far will George have gone when they meet?


In a class of 23 students, the chances are fifty-fifty that two of them will have the same birthday. Now that may sound impossible since there are 365 different possibilities, but we can use probability to see that it is true.

Air Pollution

This chart recently came out from the American Lung Association about air pollution in the United States. How would you present this data to Congress to get them to deal with this serious problem?