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What if?
My favorite question is, “Why?” (And my favorite answer is, “Because.”) But not far behind is the question, “What if?”
Read about us on my friend Patrick Vennebush’s great website.
This year we are celebrating the 35th anniversary of spreadsheets. The first showing of VisiCalc was October 17, 1979. NPR did a terrific podcast about spreadsheets we suggest you listen to. We think this quote symbolizes our spreadsheet/functional thinking vision.
KESTENBAUM: Spreadsheets have left us in a different world, though. It’s a world where we are constantly asking what if. And by we, I mean not just accountants and people on Wall Street. Like, all of us – me more than I would like. It’s gone way beyond spreadsheets. It’s like, what if I flew Thursday instead of Friday? What if I took 78 instead of Route 280? Where is traffic better? What if I stopped exercising? What if I ate more vegetables?