Decimal subtraction is one of a series of Labs to help you understand and learn to use decimals. I think you will find it fun because it uses random numbers and it will help you visualize decimal operations. Take a look at Decimal Addition and Decimal Multiplication and Decimal Division. Remember like all of our spreadsheets you can look at and change the rules to try different things.
Category: Ratio
Decimal Division
Decimal Division is one of a series of Labs to help you understand and learn to use decimals. I think you will find it fun because it uses random numbers and it will help you visualize decimal operations. Take a look at Decimal Addition and Decimal Subtraction and Decimal Multiplication. Remember like all of our spreadsheets you can look at and change the rules to try different things.
Decimal Addition
Decimal addition is one of a series of Labs to help you understand and learn to use decimals. I think you will find it fun because it uses random numbers and it will help you visualize decimal operations. Take a look at Decimal Subtraction and Decimal Multiplication and Decimal Division. Remember like all of our spreadsheets you can look at and change the rules to try different things.
Multiplying Integers
We have made a big deal of the times table and of other tables.Now we extend the times table to negative numbers and thus to all 4 quadrants of the real number space. We hope to build student intuition about this space and to gain a spatial sense of graphing as well as of multiplication. So we as usual focus on patternmaking and take students through extending the table first left by rows and then down by columns before we have them build the table as a whole. We moved the axes to the outside so that we do not interfere with the table. There are many things you can do with such a table and we urge you to explore it.
Rule of 72
The rule of 72 is an old banker’s rule of thumb to find out how long it will take to double your money at different interest rates. Financial literacy has become an increasingly important topic for K-12 education and we believe spreadsheets and headmath or mental estimation should be central to it. Rule of 72 combines both and gets students calculating compound interest. They can also see how expensive high credit card interest rates can be to them.