Category: Functions

Solving Equations Digitally

This Lab introduces a method for solving or estimating the solution to an equation digitally that can be applied to many types of equations. This Functional Thinking approach reduces the need to remember a variety of rules and procedures. It is 1 of 3 Labs on this topic.

Lissajous Figures

We often see Lissajous figures in old sci-fi movies because they are so cool. As you play with them I think you will find them as fascinating as I do. They created those figures by graphing points as a function of a third variable (the parameter). We can do the same and in the process come to understand Parametric Functions.


Graphs as we know them were first invented by Galileo. They are powerful images of functions. I will introduce you to graphs by letting you graph different functions represented by a table. Fill in each table visualize its graph.