The prime numbers are among the most fascinating objects in all of mathematics. While we can generate them, we do not know or understand their pattern. Yet, they have some fascinating patterns that we can easily see like the twin primes. We found on the Web a Conditional Formatting formula by Bob Umlas that colors …
You just won the Lottery worth $600,000,000. You have a choice between taking it as a lump sum of $376.9 million or in yearly payments of $20,000,000/year for 30 years. Which should you choose? You will build a simulator of your payouts and you can decide yourself which plan is best for you. And yes …
Use spreadsheets to compare popular phone carriers and the plans they offer.
Personal Budget
How much money do you spend? How much money can you save? We all need to know these things, but you can’t know them until you build and track a budget. Here is your template for a personal budget to track your income and your expenses and figure out what your budget is and how …
Number Series
Spreadsheets make it easy for us to explore patterns in the whole numbers. This Lab does that and helps you learn the basics of spreadsheets like cell addressing, copy and pasting, and making rules. It is designed for every learner including young students.