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Art’s Bio

A man with white hair is looking at the camera.
I got C’s in high school geometry, flunked college calculus then physics at the University of Chicago. Not a great beginning for a kid who dreamed at age 7 of being an Einstein. But my love for those disciplines and learning difficulties led me to teach them with empathy for strugglers and a search for a learning revolution for all.

After 4 years of teaching and a brief stint toward a PhD, I took my first technology detour to make film loops. I returned to teaching math not science, then broadened my PK-12 perspective as a math coordinator. Lured again by tech, I bought an Apple II in 1978 and started Learningways, guiding it to become the largest independent ed tech supplemental developer. When Simon and Schuster bought us, I became Chief Science Officer and spread my wings further to basal content.

In 1999 I started Enablearning to replace developmental math textbooks in community colleges. I found out the hard way that new technology delivery systems require content as well as pedagogy and publishing transformations. My latest venture What if Math uses business technology, spreadsheets and Web-links, to enable all students to learn math and functional thinking through revolutionary real-world creative problems-solving Explorations.

Author of 5 books on math education and epistemology, I serve as a trustee of Lesley University and Reimagining Migration, and I live and work in Cambridge, MA.